We have been staying close to home mostly. We did take our motor home in and to have the levellers fixed and yes, they are working great. While the rig was in the shop we took the car and traveled to Minnesota to see our daughter and her family. On the way we stopped in Morris, Minnesota where our oldest grandson goes to university. He showed us around the campus and then we took him out to lunch at Don's. It's a Mom and Pop style restaurant with good food and homey atmosphere.
We overnighted at the farm and then next day continued into Buffalo to see the rest of the family. Minnesota was still quite cool. Most of the snow was gone and the trees were just starting to show a tinge of green. We were fortunate to see the return of the orioles. They are a beautiful bird.
We will stay around Pincher Creek for most of the summer with side trips to see family and friends. Once the weather warms we will be able to take the grandkids fishing and picnicking and that is always fun.
We have been visiting some of the old haunts through Crowsnest Pass and watching the snow disappear from the mountains. The trees are all in leaf and the new green is a wonderful welcome after a long winter.