July 1st saw us celebrating Canada Day at the Kootenai Brown Pioneer Village Museum with our son and his family. The R.C.M.P. in their red serge marched in the flag. One of the police officers told of the days of the NWMP and the outpost that was at Pincher Creek.
There were girls doing face tattoos, making balloon animals, bounce tents, food, refreshments and lots of visiting going on inside and outside of the buildings. The weather cooperated and the breeze kept mosquitoes at bay. All in all it was a fun day.
On July 2, we traveled by car to Fernie, BC and then crossed the border into Montana. We followed along Lake Koocanusa which spans between Canada and the USA.
Lake Koocanusa was formed from the development of Libby Dam on the Kootenai River.
We were surprised to see both sluice gates open. There has been a lot of rainfall this spring and with snow melt it has raised the level of the lake.
We spent the night in Libby and the next day headed towards Kalispell. We decided to see Hungry Horse Dam before stopping for the night. We just missed out on seeing the visitor's center. Wouldn't you know on Wednesdays they close at 1:00 p.m.!
Hungry Horse Dam |
We continued on the highway over the dam and were rewarded by sighting an Osprey fledgling sitting on the side of a nest and the parent ever watchful in a nearby tree.
We spent the night in Hungry Horse at a very nice motel. We went walking after having supper in Columbia Falls and chatted with people from Indiana who were staying in the rv park attached to the motel. You meet all sorts of nice people camping :)
Thursday, July 4th, Independence day saw us on the Going to the Sun Road which goes from Hungry Horse to St. Mary. It is a very picturesque drive with slow traffic and lots of stops for picture taking. It seemed like around every bend there was more spectacular scenery.
Avalanche Creek
Heaven's Peak 8987 feet
Bird Woman Falls
Weeping Wall
Bear Grass
yes that is snow in the foreground of this picture
mountain goat at Logan Pass visitor's center
We stopped at the visitor's center and walked around. There were masses of people out because of the beautiful weather. A lot of people came prepared with snow gear (hiking boots, ski poles, etc.) because a lot of the trails were still snow covered.
We elected to forgo the icy trails and headed to St. Mary for lunch.
a couple of para surfers on St. Mary lake
If you are ever in Montana and decide to see Glacier National Park, I highly recommend the Going to the Sun Road.